Wednesday, July 7, 2010

YAAD thoughts...that are hopefully YAADtastic

I've been here a week. Wow.
I have met new people, caught up with old friends, and been constantly amazed by the things that have come forth from this assembly. The fellowship has been amazing, the worship has been inspiring and filling, and the opportunity to serve Christ and Christ's church in this way has been humbling.

As the time goes on here and I continue to meet new people and build relationships, I realize how awesome God is. I realize how much I know and how much I have to learn. But more importantly I realize that no matter what I do, no matter what I say, or how I feel this will never be my church because it is Christ's church. The reality is that many folks here and around the world, and I'm sure I've been guilty of this too, we all get caught up in the politics of the church and forget that Jesus alone is head of the church. That no matter what we say, think, or do, the church is not ours in the end. And for this I am thankful.

Today was a big day. Not only did the recommendation of continual work on the new translation of the Heidelberg Catechism pass through the assembly, the approval of the Belhar Confession is being sent to Presbyteries to vote and so is the New Form of Government.
These are big changes for our denomination as a whole (if they pass through Presbyteries and come back to the Assembly in 2012). I was shocked tremendously by the votes and how they turned out, but it was also kind of exciting to sit there and know that Presbyterian Church that I love and serve is so willing to continue to reform and change in a world that is constantly changing.

Something else I have noticed over the last week is that not only has my love of the church increased, but I continue to hunger for God's word. Scripture has always been very close to my heart, but something about being here and hearing the word of God daily makes me long for it even more. There are times I read scripture and feel the tears come to my eyes, there are times where I find myself reciting verses to myself, there are times where I start to pray and the words that come to my mouth are the words that God has provided in scripture. Scripture is beautiful, it is a gift, and it is something that I respect and something that has authority over all I say and do.

In short this experience has been fantastic for me so far. I love being Presbyterian, I love being around people who share this passion, and I love engaging in conversations with people who challenge me, who stretch me, and who continue to help me plant my roots deeper in Christ so that I may overflow with thanksgiving.

We shall see where tomorrow goes...until body needs some rest.


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